PFLAG // Blog // PFLAG Nashville Quarterly Report

July 9th, 2006 | Posted by PFLAG

PFLAG Nashville Co-chairs attend Media Training
PFLAG Nashville co-chairs Don Shockley and H.G. Stovall participated in a media training event hosted by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation on June 5. Through lectures, discussion and role playing some 20 or more persons from the Nashville area were given helpful guidance on how best to interact with members of the media.

PFLAG Nashville and Dell Computer
PFLAG Nashville founder Gene Floyd, along with members Bob and Gayle Stovall, participated in a panel discussion during Pride activities at the Dell Computer company in Nashville on June 26. This marks the third time that PFLAG members have taken part in Pride programs at Dell.

The PRIDE week festival seen through the eyes of a PFLAG Nashville mom
On Saturday June 3rd, PFLAG donned our yellow t-shirts/PFLAG banner and marched in the Pride parade down Elliston Place to Centennial Park for the celebration. The weather was ideal—not too hot or muggy—and the mood was festive. I marched with my nine-month-old baby while my 17-year old lesbian daughter marched with her friends from another group, One-In-Teen. As we made our way down Elliston, I was really moved by the support we received from the crowds of people. Several groups of onlookers cheered and broke into applause when they saw us, a couple even joined us. Nashville may be a long way from San Francisco or New York, but it was a very gratifying experience to be surrounded by such support. We’re already looking forward to next year!

—Submitted on behalf of the leadership team,
PFLAG Nashville, July 9, 2006

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