PFLAG // Blog // PFLAG’s Elevator Speech

November 1st, 2016 | Posted by Kathy Halbrooks

“PFLAG is the extended family of the LGBTQ community.  We’re made up of LGBTQ individuals, family members, and allies.  Because together, we’re stronger.”  This is PFLAG’s new elevator speech.


An elevator speech is a brief message that lasts about thirty seconds (about the time it takes to ride in an elevator from the top to the bottom of a building.)  The short speech tells what your organization is, what it does, and how it helps people. PFLAG’s  elevator speech was first shared at the national conference in Nashville, Tennessee, last year.  Soon you will see it pop up in various places as members are encouraged to use it to spread the word about PFLAG.


This succinct speech clearly gives people unfamiliar with PFLAG an opening to learn even more about what PFLAG does and how we work together to move equality forward.

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