PFLAG // Resources // Churches

While PFLAG and it’s chapters are not affiliated with any religious organization, as a chapter, we have often shared information regarding religious topics that we felt might be of importance to our members and visitors.  As such, for many years this page was filled with a list of local churches and congregations which we had been advised were welcoming and affirming to gay and lesbian people.  However, over the last few years, we have seen this list grow in size to the point that it is simply not feasible for us to continue to maintain it any longer.

Therefore, we have decided to share a resource that many have recommended to us in their own search for a local, affirming Christian congregation:

While we know that this resource focuses primarily on Christian churches that are welcoming of gay and lesbian people, we know there are many local congregations, both Christian and otherwise, that are welcoming and affirming to not only gay and lesbian people, but to the greater LGBTQ community as well.  While we do not currently have a comprehensive resource for these congregations, we recommend checking out the list of LGBT-affirming Christian congregations on Wikipedia, as well as researching various congregations online (using a search engine like Google or Bing) for more information.

Thank you for your understanding as we make this transition.  Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions and/or comments.  *Note: We do not accept unsolicited requests to add additional resources to our website except from locals (and local organizations) who are friends of PFLAG Nashville.  Thank you for your understanding.  

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